
Tons Of Women Are Using Lulu, An App That Rates Men, And Guys Are Going Nuts Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/lulu-app-for-iphone-2014-3?op=1#ixzz2uotM8cG0


Alexandra Chong LuLu founder
Lulu is an app that has officially gone mainstream: one in four college students use it according to its founder Alexandra Chong.
On Lulu, women are rating the men they know and giving them scores. There's nothing the men can do to keep from getting rated (although Lulu deletes any pre-loaded profile at a man's request).
How does it work?
Since guys aren't allowed in, we thought we'd bring the app to you.

Lulu is a free app that's available on iOS and Android.

Lulu is a free app that's available on iOS and Android.
LuLu/Business Insider

Welcome to Lulu.

Welcome to Lulu.
LuLu/Business Insider

If you're a guy, Lulu will know (you have to login with Facebook) and turn you away. It even has ways to catch men who change their sex status on Facebook.

If you're a guy, Lulu will know (you have to login with Facebook) and turn you away. It even has ways to catch men who change their sex status on Facebook.
LuLu/Business Insider

Lulu asks for your location to show you guys who are nearby as well.

Lulu asks for your location to show you guys who are nearby as well.
LuLu/Business Insider

And it swears it will never post to Facebook on your behalf.

And it swears it will never post to Facebook on your behalf.
LuLu/Business Insider

So let's get started.

So let's get started.
LuLu/Business Insider

Here's my main Lulu feed. I don't know who that guy on the left is, but I do know the guy on the right.

Here's my main Lulu feed. I don't know who that guy on the left is, but I do know the guy on the right.
LuLu/Business Insider

I scroll down and up pops my coworker, Steve. We're Facebook friends, but he'd probably pop up in my feed regardless due to location information and mutual friends.

I scroll down and up pops my coworker, Steve. We're Facebook friends, but he'd probably pop up in my feed regardless due to location information and mutual friends.
LuLu/Business Insider

So Steve will be our demonstration. This is what Steve's current Lulu profile looks like. He's doing ok, he's been rated by a few people, his profile has been viewed about 40 times, and he's been rated a 7.8 out of ten.

So Steve will be our demonstration. This is what Steve's current Lulu profile looks like. He's doing ok, he's been rated by a few people, his profile has been viewed about 40 times, and he's been rated a 7.8 out of ten.
LuLu/Business Insider

More specifically, here's how Steve has been broken down by those who have rated him. His best, and worst qualities, his humor and level of attractiveness are all in there.

More specifically, here's how Steve has been broken down by those who have rated him. His best, and worst qualities, his humor and level of attractiveness are all in there.
LuLu/Business Insider

It also reveals his relationship status, age, and where he went to school. Lulu has been growing by targeting queen bees on college campuses.

It also reveals his relationship status, age, and where he went to school. Lulu has been growing by targeting queen bees on college campuses.
LuLu/Business Insider

Now let's rate Steve and try to up his score. You can select if you're a friend, a relative, a crush or an ex.

Now let's rate Steve and try to up his score. You can select if you're a friend, a relative, a crush or an ex.
LuLu/Business Insider

I sit next to Steve, so I know all about his lovely mom, Suzie. He's also been called a celebrity by an admiring PR woman, so we'll give him props where it's deserved.

I sit next to Steve, so I know all about his lovely mom, Suzie. He's also been called a celebrity by an admiring PR woman, so we'll give him props where it's deserved.
LuLu/Business Insider

If you follow Steve on Twitter, you know he likes to joke around. So a solid A or effort.

If you follow Steve on Twitter, you know he likes to joke around. So a solid A or effort.
LuLu/Business Insider

But at the end of the day, he's a tech blogger. So putting on clean socks is impressive by most tech blogger standards. Who knows, maybe he opens doors too!

But at the end of the day, he's a tech blogger. So putting on clean socks is impressive by most tech blogger standards. Who knows, maybe he opens doors too!
LuLu/Business Insider

Steve is one of the most talented writers at BI, so he's going places. Maybe not to a penthouse next to Beyonce, but he'll be successful. So, we rate.

Steve is one of the most talented writers at BI, so he's going places. Maybe not to a penthouse next to Beyonce, but he'll be successful. So, we rate.
LuLu/Business Insider

Lulu wants to know about past relationships. Steve has a clean track record.

Lulu wants to know about past relationships. Steve has a clean track record.
LuLu/Business Insider

Woody! That's perfect for Steve, because he's tall.

Woody! That's perfect for Steve, because he's tall.
LuLu/Business Insider

Lulu also wants to know Steve's worst qualities. We're just friends, so I say so. Friends aren't such a bad quality to have.

Lulu also wants to know Steve's worst qualities. We're just friends, so I say so. Friends aren't such a bad quality to have.
LuLu/Business Insider

Duh! I feel bad. I meant to up Steve's score. Somehow I brought it down. 6.9 is still pretty solid (Sorry Steve).

Duh! I feel bad. I meant to up Steve's score. Somehow I brought it down. 6.9 is still pretty solid (Sorry Steve).
LuLu/Business Insider

Here's a roundup of Steve's scores.

Here's a roundup of Steve's scores.
LuLu/Business Insider

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/lulu-app-for-iphone-2014-3?op=1#ixzz2uoteq9RM

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