
Blame The Boomers? What Our Parents Didn't Teach Us About Money And Why

Hey millennials, what didn’t your parents teach you about money that you wish they had?
Last month, I posed this question to FORBES’ Twitter followers and my own. Diverse and poignant, the responses ranged from “how to make it” to “how and where to invest” to, simply, “everything.”
One user responded,
Another noted,
And a third said,
Together the tweets showed a group eager for information, and a recognition that parents may not have prepared them for the financial reality they inherited. But personal finance and investing experts warn against laying all the blame on parents without understanding the historical context.
Alexa von Tobel, founder of financial planning provider LearnVest and author of the new book Financially Fearless, points out, “We don’t learn about money in schools – high schools, colleges – across the country. So if you think about it, we didn’t learn about money and our parents also weren’t formally educated about money.”
With the  internet there are countless more personal finance tools and techniques available now than when millennials’ mostly baby boomer parents were young. And there’s a lot more to learn too. “If you look at the historical aspects of this, financial complexity went up quite a lot starting in the 1970s,” notes von Tobel.  After the Supreme Court ruled in 1978 that banks could export their home states’ interest rate ceilings, both credit cards offers and interest rate deregulation spread  “A mortgage used to be a small percentage of your income, now it tends to be five times your income,” von Tobel says.  ”The core takeaway is that, as the financial market created ever growing complexity of products, the ability for us as individuals to make mistakes grew.” As the game changed, the teaching (or in most schools, lack of any personal finance teaching) remained the same.
Before credit cards became  so widely available, if you didn’t have the cash to buy something you didn’t buy it (except maybe through that old technique known as lay-away). Now, according to the Federal Reserve, Americans hold about $857 billion in revolving credit debt.
Of course, it’s not just millennials who find today’s choices and financial demands daunting. “People we meet with at all stages of their career in general have the same questions, and at the end of the day they have the same basic needs,” notes Amy Podzius, a Financial Consultant at TIAA-CREF. But she says, “Gen Y does have some specific, different challenges in how they manage money. For example, they have had to deal with under-employment, low entry wages, student loans.”
According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics the  unemployment rate for 20 to 24-year-olds was 11.9% in January, up from 11.1% the month prior(compared to 6.6% for population at large,which was down slightly from December). And that’s just unemployment, not underemployment. An April 2013 survey by consulting firm Accenture found that 41% of 2011 and 2012 college graduates have a job that does not require their degree. In 2011, the Economic Policy Institute found that entry-level wages for males with college degrees were only 5% higher adjusted for inflation than in 1979. Female wages were 15% higher, but still 9% below what a man earned in 1979. Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau estimates that outstanding student loan debt is near $1.2 trillion and growing at an astounding rate.
Beyond debt and employment status, individual responsibility for retirement has increased alongside advances in longevity. “Companies would pay pensions, the government had Social Security and, ultimately, when you stopped working at 65 we were going to take care of you,” says von Tobel. “Well the good news is we are living much longer, but what happened is it got passed to us via the 401(k).”

Today $4.2 trillion is held in individual retirement account, according to the Investment Company Institute. More than half of that money is in workplace 401(k) plans which first became available to employees of large companies in the early 1980s. The accounts now have more than 50 million active participants as well as millions of former employees and retirees. Typically you fund a 401(k) by setting aside a percentage of your pre-tax pay (experts recommend aiming for 10%),  and most employers offer a matching contributions up to a certain percentage.
Theoretically that money will grow via investments and compounding interest through your working years, so in retirement you will be able to replace an appropriate percentage of your income by withdrawing (with tax) the funds you built up. But as people live longer questions of how much must be saved and how much can be used each year become more complex. In 1980, a 65 year old man could expect to live another 14.6 years, according to the Social Security administration. A 65 year old woman could expect another 19.1 years. Today, a 65 year old man can expect to live for 19.3 more years, a woman another 21.6.
Against this backdrop of dramatically increased complexity and personal responsibility,  von Tobel recommends taking stock of how your financial past impacts your feelings about money. “There is a lot psychology of money,” she says. “Your oldest money memory has a lot of impact on the way you think about money.”
Looking back to his childhood, Dave Whitmore, senior strategist in E*Trade’s investor education group, recalls seeing how much the Dow Jones Industrial Average had moved on a given day when it flashed briefly on the nightly news, just before a commercial. Whitmore, who is a boomer, remembers asking his dad about what it meant. “Even though my father was a banker, my parents never sat me down and taught me about the elements of finance,” he reflects. “What kind of conversations then go on in a household where the father is a fireman and what he knows is his pension and maybe something about how that is invested, but maybe not?”
Now, Whitmore says, financial news is ubiquitous. While this may spark more discussion he warns that money talks in the home are typically very emotional – “we can’t afford that” or “no, we really have to save that money for your education” — and therefore threaten to undermine the “objective truth” surrounding money. “Finance and investing is an objective set of skills and knowledge that you need to learn,” he says. “Why should it matter if you carry a backdrop of differing family connections to this? Move into the subject and tackle it just like you would any other subject.”
Just as millennials have shown longing for information, they have also expressed the desire to take financial matters at least partly into their own hands. Countless websites, iPhone apps and even in person seminars have cropped up to help guide millennials. Luckily, after growing up surrounded by technology, using these new tools comes easy to millennials. Evidence suggests young people are also more willing to ask for help than prior generations.
“My instinct is [millennials] probably do ask more pointed questions about finance, but perhaps there is a tendency to think their parents are of a previous generation and they don’t quite know or get the new vanguard of things. That’s where the peer network, the social network comes in,” says Whitmore. When E*Trade moved its education seminars from workdays to weekends the audience shifted from retirees to young professionals.
In a recent survey, 44% of millennial investors told E*Trade that they recommend investing beginners get a copilot. “Think about the word,” says Whitmore. “Copilot contrasts dramatically to a pilot, a pilot means there is someone flying the plane and you are in the back. You are hearing the announcement from the pilot about what is going on but you don’t know what decisions he’s making. A copilot means you are sitting in the cockpit with him.” In other words, young people want knowledgeable advisers, but to also know enough to take control if need be. Whitmore believes this guide/buddy should be a financial professional, but a knowledgeable friend or family member can also fill the role.
The idea of a copilot resonated with the 18 to 33 set more than with any other age group, and ranked higher for this group than do-it-yourself investing (25%), having a portion managed by someone else (23%) and leaving it entirely to a pro (just 8%). E*Trade also found that millennials are more than twice as likely as other generations to turn to friends, colleagues and family for new investing opportunities.
According to another recent survey, this one by TIAA-CREF, 70% of millennials start by seeking advice from family and friends and are most likely to change habits after getting financial advice. Eventually they tend to look to look to digital tools, sometimes developed with them in mind.  “Most of them will admit that they are little or not informed,” notes Podzius, the TIAA-CREF consultant. “They are the least confident that they are saving enough, but most of them do want to find out more information. They do admit, ‘hey we need help.’”
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