
The "Internet of Things" Comes To A TigerDirect Store Near You

Paula RosenblumContributor
Tiger Direct is a company with its roots in Do-It-Yourself technology. While the company started as “Tiger Software” in 1989 as a publisher of titles for both Windows and Mac computers, after several mergers and acquisitions, it evolved into a seller of build-it-yourself computers in early nineties.  In those days it sent massive catalogues containing every piece and part a DIY geek might use to build a computer and associated peripherals.  It launched its commercial web site, Tigerdirect.com in 1996, selling the same DIY computer parts, but also added other electronics, books and software.
In 2008, TigerDirect began opening retail stores under the CompUSA banner. In 2012, it re-branded all its stores as TigerDirect. The stores continued selling computer parts and equipment, but also branched out into TV’s and many other types of electronics. It was generally known you could get a good deal on products at the store.
Last week, the Florida-based company previewed its new store concept, dubbed “Retail 2.0” in its Aventura store. I had the opportunity to attend the opening. The TV wall is always a compelling story for me: the quality of 4K and curved ultra-HD LED screens continue to boggle my mind. But the bigger story was the front right-hand section of the store dubbed “Tiger Connect.”  Connect what, you might ask?  Connect everything in your home, would be the answer.
Tiger Direct
I’ve seen parts and pieces of the “internet of things” – devices that can be connected to the internet and controlled remotely – here and there, but never saw quite an array all in the same place.  I confess my very favorite item wasn’t the thermostat, or even the security cameras or indoor or outdoor light controllers.  My favorite device was a smart in-line water main controller. Having lived through a lightning strike in late June that blew open my water main, this item was dear to my heart.
If the attached sensor becomes aware of a significant water leak, it will simply switch on a shut-off valve, and flow to the affected area will be stopped.  The device can also be shut off through an app, or via a manual override located in the home. Because my own water main break happened behind my main shutoff valve, I couldn’t turn off the water without going into the ground.  Luckily I have a very nice neighbor who got himself soaking wet being the chivalrous guy that he is.  But it would have been lovely to just push a button and have the main quiet and waiting for the plumber.
My partner Nikki Baird, has often said, mostly in jest, that the internet of things has definite potential security issues. She mused that hackers could lock her (yet to be purchased) smart refrigerator and not allow her to open it until she paid $25 to an anonymous account.  On the one hand, this is funny, but on the other, it’s not so far-fetched.  It’s something the industry is going to have to address – especially as we move out of home-based networked appliances and into the enterprise.
Others worry about the knowledge a company likeGoogle GOOGL +0.05% might gain from effectively reading your meters. When the company bought “Nest,” a wi-fi enabled smart thermostat, some worried that after monitoring your usage of the thermostat, the company could serve up ads inviting you to buy a comforter for those late nights when you turned the thermostat down, or additional insulation if it has been getting to warm in the house on hot Florida days. Privacy concerns must certainly be addressed.
All that is a bit beside the point.  TigerDirect is, to my knowledge, the first electronics retailer to array these devices in one place, and provide help and guidance about what to buy, how to hook it up, and what it all means to the homeowner.  It’s an impressive display and the next wave of in-store electronics retailing.
The official opening of the new concept store is today, August 23, 2014. TigerDirect’s next move will be its second annual “Tech Bash” held at Marlins Stadium in Miami. Like the company itself, the event is evolving.  This year, along with displays from companies like HP, Intel INTC -0.6% and Samsung, it will have a keynote address from none other than Kevin O’Leary one of the stars of TV’s “SharkTank.”  It’s becoming a not-to-be-missed tech event in Miami.
Meanwhile, the internet of things is going main stream. And it’s coming to a store near you. It’s a lot for homeowners to absorb, but it is the wave of the future.  And I’ve got my eye on that water main shutoff valve, for sure.

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