
Abandoned Online Shopping Carts Represent A $2 Trillion Opportunity For Retailers

bii historical average abandonment rateFor many online shoppers, the e-commerce shopping cart has become a kind of bookmarking tool, rather than an actual indication that they're ready to "proceed to checkout." 
An astounding $4 trillion worth of merchandise will be abandoned in online shopping carts this year.
But these abandoned carts don't all represent lost sales. In fact, new estimates from BI Intelligence find that about 63% of volume in these abandoned shopping carts is potentially recoverable by savvy online retailers.
In order to win back those sales there are a number of routes retailers can take, from making costs more transparent, to promising price-matching, to eliminating the requirement that customers register for a given site.
We collected and analyzed data from top e-commerce companies, and spoke with industry experts whose job it is to reduce abandonment rates and boost conversions, to come up with  a number of solutions that can help retailers recover lost sales. 
Here are some key takeaways from the report:
In full, the report: 
Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/abandoned-online-shopping-carts-represent-a-huge-missed-opportunity-for-retailers-2014-6#ixzz35m5M0x4F

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