
Last Minute Tax Tips For First Time Filers

By Samantha Sharf

For more tax advice, check out the Forbes 2014 Tax Guide
Being a kid has many perks. You get summer vacations, superhero costumes are acceptable garb for most occasions and a firm belief that you’re destined to live in the White House is adorable. Plus, you don’t have to file taxes–or, if you do, your parents curse the “kiddie tax” and complete the forms for you. A 1985 New Yorker cartoon sums up the jealousy adults feel about this fact well, “Remember, son, these are your tax-free years. Make the most of them.”
But now, you’re gainfully employed –which is a good thing–and ready to undertake an adult rite of passage: filing your tax return at the last minute. (Ask your parents to tell you about the lines at the US Postal Service before the advent of online filing.) Sure, you could get an automatic six month extensionby filing form 4868. But you’d still have to fill out that form and pay all you owe by April 15. The IRS takes deadlines very seriously–or at least those it imposes on taxpayers, if not itself. Moreover, if you’re an employee who has taxes withheld from your paycheck, you’re likely to be getting a refund anyway. So really, there’s no reason not to tackle your 1040 now.
Paying taxes is not fun, but if you’re prepared filing can be painless and even free.
Free, you say? In 2003, eager to head off free tax preparation by the Internal Revenue Service, a group of for-profit tax software companies, operating as the Free File Alliance, agreed to provide free filing for low and moderate income taxpayers. Each of the 14 alliance companies sets its own eligibility criteria, but anyone with 2013 adjusted gross income of $58,000 or less will be able to find at least one free federal filing options.
The IRS vets the software for security and privacy standards and offers a handy Help Me Find Free File Software tool, which uses your age, estimated adjusted gross income and home state to recommend the best software for you. There are also yes or no questions about your earned income tax credit eligibility (if you’re childless, you can’t claim this credit if you earned more than $14,340 in 2013 or were younger than 25 at the end of the year) and whether you or your spouse received military pay last year. When determining what software is right for you, keep in mind that some will prepare select state returns for free as well, while others will hit you up with a charge for state filing that can run to $40 or more.
The tax software market is dominated by Intuit’s TurboTax program, with H&R Block software a distant second. Both companies offer easy to use programs with a fair amount of explanation and produced identical results when I tested them (which, of course, they should). Free options will cover the average 20-something wage-earner’s tax filing needs. The sites can even import W-2 information for you, although it may be worth entering the information manually at least once so you understand what is on there and just how much is withheld from your paycheck. (A W-2 reports your annual wages and the amount already withheld to pay federal and state income, Social Security and Medicare taxes. Your employer sends the IRS a copy and the IRS computer matches the information on it against your 1040, so if the numbers on your W-2 are wrong, ask immediately for a corrected form. Ditto for any 1099s you’ve gotten reporting interest or miscellaneous income.)
For all the talk of “free filing,” if you’re self-employed or do a little freelancing and have to file Schedule C, you’ll likely have to shell out for a paid version of the software—-up to $99.99 list (but you can get it for $79.99 on Amazon) for the TurboTax Home & Business version. If you’re an investor, check out the offers from your broker or mutual fund company; Vanguard and Fidelity, among others, offer discounted access to TurboTax. The other catch is that both TurboTax and H&R Block charge extra to electronically prepare and file your state returns. (Insult to injury department: TurboTax also upped its prices for filing after March 21.)
A cheaper option is the third largest player in the market, TaxAct, which offers free federal filing no matter what forms you must fill out or what you earn. It charges just $17.99 for an “ultimate” version with state filing included.
As your return gets more complicated however—say you’re self-employed and pay other independent contractors or Grandma left you some shares in partnerships that generate indecipherable Schedule Ks—you may want to consider upgrading to human advice. “I would caution people,” says Clarence Kehoe, head of the tax department at accounting firm Anchin Block & Anchin, “under the old garbage in, garbage out scenario – the information you get out of that computer is going to be as good as the information you put in. You have to be careful.”
Hiring a pro can run into hundreds of dollars. “Most people who are starting out really can’t justify going to a tax preparer,” says Margaret Starner, a financial advisor with Raymond James. But for people who feel they need guidance beyond what software (or their parents) can provide she recommends going to a preparer one year, and then, after seeing how a pro does it, using that example to do it yourself. “You should understand every line on your return,’’ Starner says. (Or at least have a good enough idea that if you enter something wrong in TurboTax you’ll be able to notice when it spits errors.)
Be careful whom you hire—here are 11 questions to ask when hiring a tax preparer. Ultimately your tax return is your legal responsibility and neither “my tax pro was a dishonest idiot” or “the software didn’t ask me” is a valid excuse for excluding income or grabbing deductions and credits you’re not entitled to. (You really don’t want to mess with the IRS; you could waste the best years of your life on hold waiting to plead your case with a human being at the IRS and if you let problems fester you could be hit with tax liens that sink your credit scores for years.) On the flip side, if you don’t know what you’re doing or skip sections in the software you could miss out on a bigger refund. The IRS won’t mind, but your bank account might.
Getting Organized
But we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves. Kehoe points out,  “Planning for your taxes is a yearlong event, not something you do on April 14th.” Adding, “Maybe this is just me because after a little while you lose your memory, but it’s very very hard to remember what you did on January 1st a year and a half later.”

That may not matter if you are an employee claiming the standard deduction (more on the later). But it can become a huge problem if you’re hoping to write off expenses from self-employment (or unreimbursed employee business expenses); or if you trade stocks in taxable accounts; or if you’re a big charitable giver. (Remember you need to pay taxes on income earned in 2013 by April 15, 2014, so right now you need to marshal receipts and documents from January through December of last year.)
Kehoe recommends keeping a file – paper or digital – of items that may be relevant to your taxes. In addition to the W-2 your employer will send you at the start of tax season, investment account statements and form 1099s for miscellaneous income, this file could include charitable giving receipts, unreimbursed job expense receipts and paperwork showing interest paid on student loans. The self-employed may want to consider saving receipts digitally with a system like Neat, which allows you to categorize expenses for tax purposes as you scan them in.
Most email systems make it easy to categorize and sort emails into topic files. Google’s Gmail lets you add labels that correspond to these files. Microsoft’s Outlook has an option to color categorize messages and create corresponding search folders. Document organization site Manilla aggregates year end statements from any account you connect to the platform making sure you don’t miss relevant forms. The free service also has a feature called Bill Share which allows you to securely share documents with your tax preparer, parents or partner.
Deductions and Credits
Keeping organized will not only help you provide the IRS with all the information it demands, but also help you take the deductions and credits that can lower your tax bill. Deductions lower the amount of money you are required to pay tax on, and may even help you move into a lower marginal tax bracket. Credits, on the other hand, cut your tax bill dollar for dollar. They are more valuable, but also rarer.
Above the line deductions: The base of your tax bill is your gross income (i.e. the sum of every dollar you were paid in a given year). Above the line refers to deductions you take before your get to line 37 at the bottom of the first page of a 1040—adjusted gross income. (Itemized deductions, such as those for giving to charity come later, below the AGI line.) If you put a portion of your earnings into select vehicles – such as a health savings account, transit benefits or 401(k) – that money will not be subject to tax right now, if ever. These are all taken above the line (they’re also known as “adjustments to income”) before you calculate your AGI.
Many of the tools necessary to take above the line deductions may be provided by your employer, so pay attention to those corporate benefits. (If you don’t have a 401(k) at work, you may be able to deduct up to $5,000 above the line for a contribution to a pre-tax IRA. If you are self employed, you have a choice of retirement savings plan options that can reduce your gross income above the line. )
Up to $2,500 in student loan interest can also be subtracted from your gross income, but the student loan deductions begin to phase out if your AGI (before the student loan deduction) is more than $60,000 for a single filer (or $125,000 for a couple). You can also take above the line deductions for certain moving expenses if you relocate for a job 50 miles farther from your old home than your previous job.
Itemized/standard deductions: After determining your AGI, there are two options for further reducing your taxable income by at least $6,100. That magic number is the standard deduction for a single filer, which the government gives to people who don’t itemize or to people whose itemization adds up to less than $6,100. Itemized deductions can include medical expenses (but only to the extent that they exceed 10% of your AGI), property taxes, charitable donations, mortgage interest expenses and non-business state income taxes.
Homeowners can easily cross the itemization line with mortgage interest deductions, but according to Pew Research, as of the 2011, the home ownership rate among households headed by people under 35 was only 34% (compared to 72% for people 35 and older), meaning most first time filers aren’t likely to be itemizing deductions. Charitable giving is another popular deduction, but millennials give away $481 a year on average according to non-profit service provider Blackbaud, which doesn’t put them anywhere near the $6,100 itemization threshold.
“Unless you are in Silicon Valley making $300,000, you are not going to have a lot of opportunities for tax breaks at this young age,” says Starner. “If you are making $30,000 or $40,000, that is not insignificant money, but there is not as much as you can do because you haven’t yet developed the expenses of itemized deductions – like a home.”
Software tools will generally walk you through an interview to roughly determine if you will hit the mark. If you have held onto papers throughout the year this process will be much easier; even if you know you won’t hit the number, going through this deduction exercise can help inform your tax planning going forward.
Credits: If you receive a $1,000 tax credit $1,000 will be removed from your tax bill. They’re pretty sweet deals – but a 20-something usually doesn’t qualify for a credit. The big exceptions are two types of education credits, students in their first four years of post-secondary education (typically college) may be able to claim an American Opportunity Credit which is worth up to $2,500. To claim the credit you need to have paid your qualified education expenses, be attending school at least half time, be working on your first bachelor’s degree and have earned less than $90,000 as a single
Students, who have already completed four years of college (typically graduate students) and people enrolled in too few eligible courses, may be able to claim a Lifetime Learning Credit worth up to $2,000. To claim this credit you must make less than $63,000 single. Note that this is only a 20% credit; to save $2,000 you would have to spend $10,000.
Additionally, individuals making less than $29,500 and saving for retirement may be able to claim a savers credit of up to $1,000 depending on how much they put into qualified retirement savings funds.
Pay Now, Save Later
“Tax time is also a learning time,” says Starner. “The biggest gift you might get at tax time is learning what you should be doing for the rest of your life when it comes to tax savings.” She is an advocate of the Roth IRA, a retirement account that you fund with after tax dollars but allows you to pull out income tax free later, when hopefully you are in a higher tax bracket.
For more on finding and funding the best Roth for you check out Maggie McGrath’s, “Don’t Wait For Obama’s MyRA: The Best Places To Save For Retirement If You Make Less Than Six Figures.”
“If you are 20 and you don’t need the money until you are 65, that’s 45 years of growing tax free,” says Starner. “It’s an amazing gift that won’t happen very often, you don’t get a lot of gifts from the government.”

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