
Fed Cuts Monthly Asset Purchases To $55 Billion Maintaining Taper Pace, Market Awaits Yellen Remarks

In her first Federal Open Market Committee meeting as head of the Federal Reserve Janet Yellen made  good on her promise of continuity, again cutting back the central bank’s asset purchases.
On Wednesday, the FOMC announced a third $10 billion reduction to quantitative easing, reducing its monthly bond purchases to $55 billion and keeping with Fed watchers’ tapering exceptions. The Fed will cut monthly mortgage bond purchases to $25 billion from $30 billion. Treasury purchases will drop to $30 billion a month from $35 billion.
The stock market initially dropped slightly on the news, off of mixed signals leading up to the 2 p.m. release. Following the release The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down about .2% and the S&P was down close to .5%. The 10-year Treasury note yield climbed to 2.76%.
In a press release announcing the reduction, the FOMC wrote, “Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January indicates that growth in economic activity slowed during the winter months, in part reflecting adverse weather conditions. Labor market indicators were mixed but on balance showed further improvement.”
Looking ahead the committee reaffirmed its commitment to low interest rates by removing references to a 6.5% unemployment threshold, as expected. The committee wrote,
In determining how long to maintain the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate, the Committee will assess progress–both realized and expected–toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments.”
The Fed purchased $85 billion worth of bonds each month of last year as part of its efforts to stimulate the post-recession economy. In December 2013, the FOMC cut monthly asset purchases by $10 billion noting that the economy was moderately expanding. The committee pledged to keep a close watch on economic data but implied that — barring major changes to its outlook — investors should expect small measured cuts at subsequent meetings. At its January meeting, Ben Bernanke’s last, the FOMC cut another $10 billion while maintaining tight control on interest rates.
In the weeks following that meeting, some market watchers briefly questioned if the Fed might change course on slightly weaker economic data. Most, however, attributed declines in retail sales and housing starts to unusually cold winter weather. Yellen promised to look into the weather impact, but made no public statements indicating she foresaw changing the course.
“At the end of the day we need to listen to what the Fed is saying,” said Heather Loomis, a director of fixed income for JPMorgan Private Bank. Loomis pointed out that quantitative easing was put in place to address weakness in housing and labor markets, as well as lagging consumer confidence. As these areas have improved dramatically “it looks like their work here is done. It is going to takes something bigger to derail their consistent pace of asset purchase reduction.”
With further cuts to QE widely viewed as inevitable, economists and investors are turning their attention to forward guidance on interest rates — a separate central bank tool that has often been conflated with tapering. In a phone call prior to the announcement Steve Blitz, chief economist at ITG Investment Research, said Yellen is stuck in a “policy box” that she will need to talk her way out of.
In the heat of the economic downturn Bernanke and co announced they would consider raising interest rates when the unemployment rate hit 6.5%. “It was probably pretty easy to talk about that being far down the road when the unemployment rate was at 8%,” said Kathy Jones, fixed income strategist at Schwab, in a phone call. But now that the rate is down to 6.7% the Fed and others are finding that broader indicators are not up to par. Wage and payroll growth remain sluggish. At just 1.1%, inflation is well below the Fed’s 2% objective.
Jones, and many other, expected the Fed to move away from quantitative guidance in favor of a more feel based approach. “It’s like great art,” says Blitz, “you can’t explain it but you’ll know it when you see it.”  Since the Fed began tapering in December, statements from committee members have reiterated they anticipates that targets to hold “well past” when the unemployment rate declines below 6.5%. Bernanke repeatedly made a point of calling it a “threshold” rather than a “trigger.”
Loomis similarly expected Yellen to continue moving the focus away from the headline employment number, but not to remove it completely. She pointed out that from the 1960s to the late 1990s the labor force participation rate went straight up but has been falling since. Job watchers have been hotly debating whether shirking participation rate is structural — an inevitable result of an aging population — or sign of larger labor market troubles. They largely agree, however, that it makes the unemployment rate less useful.
Jeremy Lawson, chief international economist at Standard Life Investments, noted in a call that it is a good time for the Fed to alter forward guidance because Yellen can “own” the change and the path. In addition to the institutional logic, he said, the Fed is trying to emphasize continuity to keep markets stable and because, at the end of the day, Yellen and Bernanke are “similar economists.”
“As long as the language is fairly benign,” said Lawson, “it is unlikely the market will doubt what the Fed is telling them.”
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