
Week Ahead: Can Janet Yellen Dance On The Head Of A Pin?

The roller coaster start to the year for stocks could continue as investors this coming week focus on potentially market-moving news out of Washington.
New Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen makes two public appearances — and negotiations continue to raise the roughly $17 trillion debt limit of the United States, which was breached last Friday, and avoid another Government shutdown.
The S&P 500 lost 3.6% in January and has seen some very choppy sessions. However, this past Thursday and Friday, stocks shrugged off some mixed economic and corporate news including disappointing U.S. job creation numbers — and the S&P gained an impressive 2.6% over the two days.
So have we already had the much-anticipated correction? Don’t bet the farm on it.
There are earnings this coming week from companies like PepsiCo PEP +1.05%Cisco Systems CSCO +0.8%, McDonald’s, Sprint, CVS Caremark CVS +0.5%, Deere, MetLife, CBS, Whole Foods and Rio Tinto.
Thursday brings some important economic indicators including U.S. retail sales, initial jobless claims and business inventories, and Friday brings updates on industrial production and consumer sentiment.
But it is the policy makers of Washington that could produce the biggest financial headlines of the week.
Investors will scrutinize the nuances in the language of Yellen as she testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday then the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday.
Yellen has been a big supporter of the Fed’s easy money policies and investors will look to her for any signals on the pace at which the Fed will continue reducing or “tapering” its unconventional bond-buying stimulus measures that have boosted markets and helped keep interest rates unusually low.
Traders and investors will also look for any hints as to when the Fed will eventually raise the main interest rate from near zero back towards normal levels.
One twitch or clumsy phrase left open to interpretation from a Fed chair can cause frenzied market activity.
Yellen’s predecessors, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan, eventually became masters at usually saying what they had to say without causing absolute mayhem in the markets.
They learned how to dance on the head of a pin. One assumes that Yellen has learned the same moves. Much depends on her ability to use the language the markets want to hear.
The senate vote to confirm Yellen as chair of the Fed was a far from unanimous 56 to 26 so the new chief has to convince some of the skeptics she is up to the job, which will include reducing the Fed’s swollen balance sheet of more than $4 trillion.
Finally, this coming week there is the embarrassment of the ongoing U.S. debt ceiling pantomime in Washington between Republicans and Democrats.
Last Friday, a temporary extension of the debt ceiling expired and this has forced the Treasury to resort to “extraordinary” accounting to make sure it can function in the meantime.

However, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has warned these accounting measures can last only until February 27, after which time the government will have only its incoming revenue and cash on hand to pay its bills.
The U.S. Congress has long behaved like the consumer for whom a maxed out credit card is the norm, and because it is the norm nobody worries too much.
Until the bank takes the credit card away.

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