
Why Do Chinese Companies Want to Go West?

By Joel Backaler, Contributor

This article is Part 1 in a six-part series about Chinese overseas investment.Read the introductory article.
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? You may be surprised to learn which country it came from…or at least who owns the company that made it. If you had bacon and eggs and live in the U.S., you likely ate Smithfield Foods’ bacon—now owned by China’s Shuanghui International after its $4.7 billion acquisition of the Virginia-based pork producer in September 2013. If you live in the U.K., perhaps you ate a bowl of Weetabix cereal, which was acquired in May 2012 by China’s Bright Food for £1.2 billion (approximately $1.9 billion). These examples illustrate how Chinese overseas investment has entered the everyday lives of global consumers in the U.S. and Europe—we’re typing on Lenovo computers, driving Geely-owned Volvo cars and buying movie tickets at Dalian Wanda-owned AMC theaters. What factors prompted these Chinese firms to leap beyond the walls of the Middle Kingdom? Is a Chinese government strategy pushing corporate champions to invest overseas or do straightforward commercial motivations explain this phenomenon? 
The answer is both. Chinese companies go global because of government objectives as well as business necessity. It would take an entire book to do this topic justice, but the following sections offer a high-level overview of the multiple motivations for Chinese companies to expand into international markets.
Government Motivations
One simple phrase summarizes the Chinese government’s often complex stance on international investment: ’请进来,走出去’ qing jinlai, zou chuqu(welcome in, going out). Despite the current high-profile challenges faced by Western firms operating in China such as Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, and Merck, China’s qingjinlai or ‘welcome in’ policy has long intended to encourage foreign direct investment to foster economic development within China. In the other direction, China’s zouchuqu or ‘going out policy’ encourages Chinese companies to expand into international markets for several reasons. First, the government seeks a low-risk channel to invest its 3.7 trillion dollars in foreign exchange reserves outside of China. Facilitating the investments of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and other Chinese companies in emerging and developed markets through access to low-interest capital is one such way to achieve this. Second, the natural resources required to fuel China’s rapidly expanding economy far exceed its domestic supply. According to World Bank estimates, China leads the world in total demand for major metals–copper, aluminum, nickel, tin, lead and zinc–and alone consumes nearly a quarter of world production. Third, the internationalization of China’s top corporations has the potential to help build China’s ‘soft power’. The actions of Chinese national champions in overseas markets can help improve—or negatively affect—international perceptions of China.
Business Motivations
To attribute Chinese overseas investment exclusively to government initiatives overlooks the equally important economic motivations driving Chinese companies to go global. The increasing competitiveness of the domestic operating environment impels Chinese firms to consider overseas expansion for multiple reasons. First, Chinese companies seek advanced technology to bring superior products back home. For example, global top-ten wind energy firm Goldwind acquired Germany’s Vensys to gain technology, thereby boosting the efficiency of its wind turbines both at home and overseas. Second, Chinese firms may expand abroad to acquire established overseas brands. This was the case with piano manufacturer Pearl River Piano. Recognizing that pianos are often a once in a lifetime purchase, Pearl River’s CEO made the strategic decision to operate at the premium end of the brand-positioning spectrum where profit margins are highest. His firm purchased long-established high-end German piano brand Ritmuller to appeal to wealthy Chinese and global consumers. Third, Chinese firms may go global to build world-class management and technical expertise. When Lenovo purchased IBM’s PC division, it not only acquired American personal computer technology, it also gained expertise from the global management team and technical experts it inherited. Fourth, Chinese firms expand overseas to gain access to new markets for their products as was the case for Haier in the US. But rather than market existing products such as washing machines that double as potato-washers for Chinese farmers, Haier focused on marketing new products like mini-fridges for American college students and wine coolers. A fifth and final reason that Chinese firms may choose to go West is because ‘that’s what large companies are supposed to do’. Looking at the paths previously adopted by Asian corporate giants from Japan and South Korea, overseas expansion may seem like the logical next step for Chinese firms after becoming large players within China—even if their firms may not yet be prepared to do so.
It Takes More Than Ambitions Alone…
This article outlines many of the reasons why Chinese companies have chosen to go West—due to both government encouragement and commercial necessity. However, it takes more than international ambitions alone to succeed in developed markets. Are the majority of Chinese firms even ready to expand overseas in the first place? Come back next month to find out the answer.

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