
Amazon -- To Drone or Not to Drone -- That is the Question

By Walter Loeb

Jeff Bezos is a very bright Chief Executive. He has guided Amazon into many new areas that retailers did not dream of.  Today his company is competing with local and global enterprises alike. His enormous warehouses – some are 1 ½ million square feet in size – are a marvel of technological advancement as rapid order fulfillment has been critical to the company’s acceptance and success.
On December 1, Mr. Bezos visited the CBS show “Sixty Minutes” and he spoke about Black Cyber Monday and his preparation to meet the requirements of that day. He expected 300 orders to be filled every minute.  Wow! That is quite a challenge.
On the show, Mr. Bezos also shared that Amazon is experimenting with delivering merchandise using drones.  See for yourself in this sneak peak video of Amazon Prime Air showing a drone performing a test flight. You can access it here:
As shown in the video, drones seem to be able to deliver small packages that weigh no more than five pounds. They must be small. At this stage Amazon says it will use drones within a 10 mile distance of its distribution centers.
I am afraid a squadron of drones over the Los Angeles Freeway in search of programmed destinations could be quite disconcerting to automobile drivers. I would worry about drones colliding with each other, as well as trees, electrical wires, and even helicopters. Much has to be done to assure the public that this carrier is safe. I am also not sure that it is cost effective to deliver small packages one by one. Similar to the bubble car, a contraption that was going to drive in our streets and protect us from pollution, this new conveyance strikes me as impractical (but certainly a great innovation hype story on a big retail sales day.)   Delivery by drone gives us an opportunity to catch a glimpse of Amazon’s R&D program, its hopes and dreams, and its perpetual drive for innovation.  Drones will not buzz around our homes for a long time since the FAA has not given its blessing and will not do so until 2015, at the earliest.
Drones aside, I am very impressed with Amazon management’s new ideas, which include Sunday delivery by the U.S. Post Office in New York City and Los Angeles.  Although not as high tech or futuristic as drones, moves like Sunday delivery are also forward thinking ways of serving the customer. Of course, not everyone loves Jeff Bezos and his ideas.  Amazon faces immediate problems ranging from serious strikes in Germany, to a lack of robust earnings. Even the French are upset and want to restrain Amazon from discounting books. But Bezos thinks in terms of the future and for that you have to give him credit; to him the future is now.  One can only wonder what Amazon’s next innovative step will be, and how the competition will respond as he leaves them in the dust.  As the saying goes—if you don’t make dust, you eat it.

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