
6 Sneaky Terms That Tech Companies Force You To Agree To

Mark Zuckerberg
You know how whenever you download a new app, or sign up for a new online service, you have to agree to this long screen of terms?
Some of the stuff tech companies sneak in there is pretty surprising.
The folks at Skyhigh Networks, a startup that helps enterprises keep track of all the tech their users download behind IT's back (so called "Shadow IT"), has sifted through thousands of terms to come up of this list of six terms from actual tech companies.

Every cloud app has its rules and regulations.

They always ask you to agree to them.

They aren't exactly the easiest thing to read.

Consider this ...

You can't negotiate these terms.

Prezi says that it owns your presentation

SourceForge wants you to open your software.

Facebook says that it can use you for endorsements

Mega has harsh terms for late payments

Amazon won't promise to keep your data safe on its cloud

One company insists on the strangest promise ...

Apple won't let you use iTunes to build a nuclear or biological bomb.

Now check up some startups that are rocking the cloud industry

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sneaky-terms-from-tech-companies-2013-11?op=1#ixzz2jVcijJ20

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