
Not Closing? What Customers Really Fear

The phone rings – and your prospect hesitates. You can’t see her. Worse, you can’t picture her life on the other end.  You see, your call isn’t a welcome break. It’s a disruption. When you call, your prospect is already twenty emails behind – with another crisis popping up by the second ring. And you’re probably calling during that five minute window she’d hoped to finally reach the cable company. Before you connect, your prospect is already asking, Why me? Why now? And how did you get my name (Stupid Linkedin)?

Best case scenario: You catch a break. Maybe your charm draws her attention. Your questions hit a nerve. Your pitch rouses genuine curiosity. Heck, you even bond over your love of the Chicago Cubs. Afterwards, you glide through your sales process, covering every base. But when you pull out that letter of intent, she freezes up like a politician on a polygraph.

So what kept her from pulling the trigger? A purchase order seemed like the logical end. Now, your sales manager is interrogating you, hoping to uncover where you went wrong. But your manager won’t like the answer. You see, customers aren’t always rational. Their lizard brains faithfully seek justifications for avoiding decisions.  By delaying, they hope the threat will eventually pass. We’ve lived without your product this long, they argue. Why can’t we wait longer? In their contentment, they forget an innate awareness every lizard possesses: Staying still in uncertain terrain is the fastest way to die. So when your customer starts dragging her feet, she might just fear the following:
1) Making a Commitment:Commitment requires change. In the moment, change often feels worse than the status quo. Step into your prospect’s role. You have the spotlight. You are the point person who must see this decision through. Some peers will expect more than can possibly be delivered. Others will worry how your solution will reduce their value or reveal their dirty secrets. At the same time, you’ll handle everything from overhauling processes to training and maintenance. Chances are, you’ll be juggling these details in addition to your exhausting workload.

At the same time, you’ll wonder if a better solution will come along once you’re under contract. With each obstacle, your inner Iago will hammer home the same points: This wasn’t in my budget. This wasn’t part of the plan. We were better off before. Don’t kid yourself: It’s happened to your prospects before. And they have long memories.
2) Investing Time: Here you are: A salesperson (or “Assistant Vice President” if your company is generous). Across from you sits an owner or department head. This person has probably built her operation from scratch and mastered her field. She took risks and is now responsible for the livelihoods of others. When you’re pitching, she is probably thinking one thing: “What does a salesperson know?”

Fact is, you’re responsible for a quota, not a budget or payroll. Big difference. Your prospect is busy closing deals, delivering on promises, and staying in the black. She is tired and distracted from multitasking. If she reads, you can bet that she’s fretting about being a bad boss or motivating disengaged employees. You may see your solution as a Swiss army knife, but she views it as a potential dead end… as time she cannot get back. Buying requires people to do heavy lifting. Worse, it requires them to learn.  And she probably feels guilty that she lacks time for either.

3) Making a Mistake: “What do you have to lose?” A lot, actually. During the sales process, your prospect is asking herself, “Are you legitimate?” “Is this just an act?” When you shake hands, she is taking a leap of faith. A big ticket purchase pulls a prospect into the unknown and creates uncertainty. Choosing you is a reflection on her. Every day, she’ll have to re-sell your solution to her team, to keep the peace and manage the politics. Hopefully, her choice lands her on the right side of history, but it’s no sure thing.
If the execution falls through, you won’t experience the same backlash that she will. Failure is humiliating– and her peers will judge her for it. Suddenly, she’ll have to explain herself – and face criticism. Her peers will whisper that she’s over her head. Her status, reputation, and authority will erode. She may even lose her job.  Or worse, she’ll have to start over, going back through the same headaches, knowing her work with you was for nothing. Your prospect doesn’t want to be another sucker. She wants to feel safe, knowing you have a track record of sticking around and making it work. Many don’t. And that includes every one of us at one point or another.

4) Facing Uncomfortable Issues: Ever notice how people get more uncomfortable the closer you get to the truth? In sales, your job is to make prospects uneasy, to prophesize like a corporate Cassandra and warn how the threat is real. Of course, Cassandra was ignored and your prospects will shut you out too. Human Nature 101: It’s just easier to crawl back into a shell and deny the implications. No one wants to hear that their current path is not sustainable. No one wants to imagine their comfortable cash cow being turned inside out. When they do, they’re usually returning to one question: Do I have what it takes to weather this?

When you sell, you convey more than “You can do so much more.”  You’re also exposing that your prospects haven’t acted; don’t have all the answers; have fallen behind; and don’t fully control their destinies.  Most people are afraid to be challenged. With every question, you’re contradicting assumptions they’ve based their business – and lives – on. You’re warning your prospects that they must address their operational, cultural, and personal limitations. Like heart disease, their ailments are slowly building. But most won’t recognize the seriousness until the pain hits. By then, it’s too late. In the end, you’re doing your prospects a favor. Too bad most won’t thank you for it.

5) Having a Relationship: You presume another company is the competition. But they’re incidental. Your real challenge is making a connection, to build the intimacy for your prospect to open up. And that’s terrifying. Step back into your prospect’s shoes. Imagine that you’re inviting a stranger into your company, sharing your proprietary information and potentially making yourself dependant on them. You’d feel vulnerable.  What if they can’t deliver or go under, you’d ask yourself. Would they take us down with them? And what if you liked the salesperson, but had to go with someone else? Could you still be friends? (Pretty Unlikely).

A business relationship is often fraught with the same land mines as personal relationships. They can bring exhilaration and meaning, but also disappointment and hurt.  Real relationships – real partnerships – require continuous sacrifice, patience, compromise, and effort.  That’s why your prospect’s guard is up. Relationships are tough to maintain. Signing the check is actually the easy part. What comes afterwards, when the devotion and urgency inevitably fades, will determine if their faith in you was warranted. Or, if they were right to be wary.

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