
This is how hard it is to get a job at Apple

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  • Is this the most drawn-out interview process ever?

    To young techie types with dreams of working in Silicon Valley, few companies are as attractive a potential employer as Apple.
    But be forewarned, young programmers — the experience cited by one aspiring designer suggests getting a job at Cupertino is tough.
    Luis Abreu, a user-experience designer based in the U.K., wrote about his exhaustive interview process with Apple on his blog, Information Age reports — claiming to have endured a total of three screenings, five FaceTime interviews and an in-person visit.
    Each of the five FaceTime talks, Abreu says, was a one-on-one with a potential team member that took around two hours. His in-person trip to Cupertino included six hours of interviews with 12 different people.
    And after all that? He didn’t get the job.

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