
The Absurd Amazon Boycott In Britain

By Tim Worstall

It appears that Joseph Goebbels was right: tell a big enough lie often enough and people will believe it. Here it’s over the tax situation of Amazon in the UK and it has prompted the beginnings of a boycott of the company. Or at least a petition calling upon people to boycott it. And this is simply absurd: for the reason Amazon doesn’t pay taxes upon profits is because it doesn’t make any profits. No, that’s not because of any offshore shenanigans, it’s simply that the company doesn’t make a profit. Any gross margin made in one are of the business is routed off to subsidise the expansion of another part of the company. And that just isn’t taxable. A tax that should be paid on profits doesn’t get paid if there are no profits to pay tax upon.
As an example of the silliness surrounding this here’s a part of a report on it:
A Companies House filing by Amazon over the summer showed that the firm had paid just £2.4m in corporate taxes in the UK last year, despite the fact that its sales were £4.3bn and it got as much as £2.5m in government grants to expand its warehouse operations in Scotland.
What does turnover have to do with a profits tax? But that’s the sort of level of propaganda that is being pushed these days. Deliberate obfuscations over what are the relevant numbers. And the relevant number in deciding whether Amazon is dodging profits tax is, well, what percentage of its profits did it pay in profits tax? The answer being that as there were no profits then no profits tax was due.
It does, however, get worse. For here the page where the boycott is being organised from.
Amazon is the UK’s number one tax avoider
Taxes fund our schools, hospitals and public services, but Amazon aren’t paying their fair share.
Amazon’s UK subsidiary (which also includes brands Lovefilm.com, Kindle, Audible.com) paid £3.2m in corporate taxes in 2012 on sales of £4.3bn – a rate of less than 0.1%.
We need to use our consumer power to make Amazon pay a fair rate of tax.
Amazon simply isn’t avoiding tax because it’s not making a profit. And here’s the egregious Margaret, Lady Hodge interviewed on the point:
Why are you boycotting Amazon?
Amazon is one of the global companies that aggressively avoids paying tax on the profits that they earn from the business they undertake in the UK.
Not only is this morally wrong but it disadvantages every business from the local community-based bookshop to bigger, British-based companies like John Lewis and therefore endangers British businesses and British jobs.
Why would you urge people to join the Amazon Boycott this Christmas?
I haven’t used Amazon for a year and I have found plenty of alternatives for buying goods online.
It’s hugely important that we all take a stand and damage the reputation and business of companies that deliberately avoid paying their fare share of tax to the common purse for the common good.
I also think that it’s hugely important that this is seen as not being anti-business, it’s pro-fairness.
It’s also not anti-competition it’s making sure that everybody can compete fairly which right now British-based businesses that provide British jobs cannot.
And here is where it gets positively bizarre: or if you’re like me, outrageously enraging. For they’ve a list of alternatives to Amazon. Places you can get the same goods without contributing to tax avoiders.
And of those alternatives for books the second highest ranked is Oxfam Books. That’s the Oxfam Books that uses the charity shop reduction to pay lower business rates than other bookshops thus being partially responsible for their being driven out of business. And also the Oxfam Books that pays no corporation tax on its profits as they are gifted to the parent organisation, Oxfam, which is a charity.
Seriously? We’re to protest against a company not paying taxes on profits it doesn’t make by buying instead from an organisation that avoids two taxes?
Number 5 on the list is The Guardian Bookshop. An organisation which hasn’t paid profits taxes for years because it hasn’t made profits. And one where the parent organisation, the Scott Trust, changed its form into the Scott Trust Limited in order to gain substantial shareholder exemption (SSE ) when it sold off its subsidiary, Autotrader, to a bunch of offshore hedgies.
Seriously? We’re to protest against a company not paying profit tax on the profits it doesn’t make by buying from a company that doesn’t pay profits tax on profits it doesn’t make?
All I can assume is that the world’s gone mad. Or, of course, that Goebbels really was right and that if you lie long enough and hard enough then some of the simple minded will start to agree with you. The real puzzle here though is, well, why are they doing this?

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