
Here's What Amazon's 'Mayday' Amy Looks Like When She's Not On A Tablet Screen

Amazon has been promoting its new Kindle Fire HDXand its unique "Mayday" feature.
Mayday is a built-in customer service feature that allows the user to see the representative they are speaking with in a box that helps them troubleshoot.
The face of Mayday is "Amy," with her purple-streaked red hair.
It turns out that Amy's real name is actually Amy — Amy Paffrath. She's an actress who has been a host for MTV and E!, starred in an insanely popular pop punk music video for the band Paramore, did some stand-up, appeared on some sitcoms and TV movies, and also wrote and directed the not-so-subtly titled "Boner Killers"sketch comedy YouTube series. When she's not the face of Amazon, Amy looks like this:
amy 2d
Here's the commercial: 
Photos reprinted with permission of Amy Paffrath.
Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/amazons-mayday-girl-is-amy-parrath-2013-10#ixzz2j7pkwKzr

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