
Why Do Women Think CEO Mary Barra Was Set Up To Take The Fall At GM?

Mary Barra's Mission To Fix GMI continue to be surprised by the number of conspiracy theorists who speculate that Mary Barra, General Motors’ first female chief executive, was set up to take the fall for the safety crisis now engulfing the company.
I heard it again this week after my FORBES cover story about Barra hit the web. Just two weeks after Barra became CEO last January, GM was rocked by allegations that it failed to properly correct an ignition problem that is now blamed for at least 13 deaths in Chevrolet Cobalts, Saturn Ions and other GM vehicles. She insists she didn’t know about problem until after her promotion.
According to the conspiracy theorists, GM’s former CEO, Dan Akerson, and the company’s male-dominated board must have known what was coming and decided to make Barra a sacrificial lamb. Why? There are two schools of thought: 1) by promoting the first woman as CEO, GM could soften the blow from criticism of its mishandling of the issue; or 2) Barra could take the brunt of the hit, shielding the men, and then be expended after the crisis is resolved. Congratulations, Mary. You broke through the glass ceiling; now you’re about to get shoved off a glass cliff.
Two University of Exeter psychologists, Michelle Ryan and Alex Haslam, coined the term “Glass Cliff” in a 2005 paper and say the phenomenon is real.  Their research suggests women are often promoted to dangerous jobs during a crisis, then often dumped when they can’t clean up the mess. A few who come to mind: Carly Fiorina of Hewlett-Packard and Zoe Cruz of J.P. Morgan. Some wonder if Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer is next.
What fascinates me most about GM and Mary Barra, however, is the source of the speculation. “All the women I know assume she was set up,” one former director of another major auto company (a man) told me. And that’s consistent with the feedback I’m hearing from people both in and outside the auto industry. Women, far more than men, it seems, are buying into the idea that Barra was thrown under the bus.
“I do not believe that — at all,” an emphatic Barra told me. “I believe this issue came up, and we learned about it, the leadership learned about it on Jan 31 and we’re dealing with it, and it just happened to be two weeks after I officially came into this job.”
I asked Akerson point-blank in an interview whether Barra was set up. “Of course not!” he said. “Mary has said it – the moment she became aware of the problem, as I would expect, she confronted it. She didn’t know about it. I bet my life on it.” He said there was a kind of “perverseness” about such thinking. “If  I knew about it, she’d have to know about it,” he said. “And I didn’t know about it.”
I also asked GM’s new chairman, Tim Solso, if he knew what was coming, and whether Barra was thrown under the bus. “I became non-executive chairman in mid-January and I assure you I did not know anything about it at that point. Right after she knew, she called me.” He added that there was nothing “extraordinary” about their initial conversation about the recall. “Clearly we didn’t know the depth and all the circumstances” until later, he said.
Solso, the former chairman and CEO of Cummins, is an outsider, so he wouldn’t have reason to know about the issue before he joined GM.  I also don’t believe Akerson, a U.S. Navy veteran, would hide behind a woman. He, after all, mentored Barra over the past three years, and the two executives shared long conversations about leadership, culture change and GM’s future. He put her in the CEO job, and her success or failure is part of his legacy. More to the point, Akerson, 65, has been upfront about his decision to leave GM to care for his wife, Karin, who continues to battle cancer. In March, he rejoined the Carlyle Group as vice chairman and special advisor to the board of directors in Washington, DC , where the couple lives.
I have no reason to doubt Barra’s claim that she was blind-sided by the crisis moments after she walked into her new office. She has a long reputation for straight-talk and personal accountability. Implausible as it sounds that Barra, who headed global product development before becoming CEO, didn’t know about a festering safety issue, I believe her.
Results of an internal investigation will soon explain exactly what happened. I think it’ll show that GM is guilty of incompetence, not a cover-up.

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