
The NSA Is Firing Back At Edward Snowden Over One Of His Key Claims


The National Security Agency has tried to cut a huge hole in one of the claims self-described whistleblower Edward Snowden made in a lengthy interview this week by releasing one of his old emails from his time at the U.S. intelligence agency.
On Thursday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence posted on its website what it described as Snowden's only correspondence with NSA's Office of General Counsel. The email does not refer to any concerns about NSA surveillance programs. In the email, Snowden asks about a training session and whether presidential executive orders supersede federal laws.
The email was sent on April 5, 2013, at least three months after he first contacted documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras and four months after he contacted journalist Glenn Greenwald. Rick Ledgett, the NSA's deputy director who is leading the internal investigation of Snowden's leaks, told Vanity Fair the he first illegally downloaded documents in the summer of 2012.
Snowden told European parliament in March that he reported policy or legal issues with surveillance programs to at least 10 officials. In his interview Wednesday, with NBC's Brian Williams, Snowden said he sent multiple emails to the NSA's Office of General Counsel raising concerns about the agency's practices.
"The NSA has records. They have copies of emails right now to their Office of General Counsel, to their oversight and compliance folks, from me raising concerns about the NSA's interpretations of its legal authorities," Snowden said.
In addition to claiming Snowden sent only one email, the NSA suggested it did not reference any "concerns" about the agency's surveillance programs. 
"NSA has now explained that they have found one e-mail inquiry by Edward Snowden to the Office of General Counsel asking for an explanation of some material that was in a training course he had just completed," an NSA spokeswoman said in an email. 
"The e-mail did not raise allegations or concerns about wrongdoing or abuse, but posed a legal question that the Office of General Counsel addressed. There was not additional follow-up noted." 
During NBC's one-hour airing of the interview on Wednesday, Williams said NBC had confirmed Snowden sent at least one email to the NSA's Office of General Counsel. Snowden also suggested that, aside from his email correspondences, he raised unofficial complaints to colleagues and supervisors. He said he was told by some of his colleagues to "stop asking questions."
The email is below:

Snowden email
Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/snowden-interview-brian-williams-email-nsa-general-counsel-2014-5#ixzz338WAkM6P

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