
In Retail, Brand Expertise Equals Leadership

Rodger Dean DuncanContributor
Somewhere, some time, you’ve likely bought something with the help of a knowledgeable, experienced, passionate person who got you so excited about your purchase that you couldn’t wait to experience it. Maybe it was the dream camera to express your artistic vision. Or the running shoes to achieve that next fitness goal. Or the perfect baby stroller that added peace of mind and excitement for your new family addition.
You’ve probably experienced the opposite, too: After an online search, overwhelmed by the information and alternatives out there, you went to a store for some help and guidance. But it was immediately clear that the person whose JOB it is to help you buy the right product knew even less than you and didn’t really seem to care.
hand of young woman with multi-coloured bags
You’re not alone. And the really savvy people in the retail world are taking note.
An outfit called Experticity brings together brands, retailers, and experts to improve your buying experience. Companies ranging from Cabela’s and Dillard’s to GoPro and New Balance use Experticity’s online training program (3point5.com) to help retail sales people truly understand their products, how they work, and what makes each one unique.
Nothing seems to drive sales more than the advice of an expert. So educating sales people on the value proposition of their products is becoming one of the most important trends in retail.
Retailers (and customers) have long known that expertise on the sales floor leads to happier customers and, ultimately, more sales. But just how much such knowledge impacts the bottom line has been a mystery.
Until now.
Experticity commissioned Dr. Marshall Fisher of the Wharton School of Business to conduct a study to determine the real return on investment from training sales people.
Among the findings:
  • 50% of customers are looking for expert advice on what to buy when they enter a store
  • 73% of customers say product knowledge is what they need most from a sales associate
  • Sales people who engage with targeted product education sell up to 123% more than those with no training
To learn more about the findings and their implications, I interviewed Dr. Fisher and Tom Stockham, Experticity’s CEO.
Rodger Dean Duncan: Your study involved more than 63,000 retail sales associates in 330 stores over two years. Specifically how did you gather your data?
Marshall Fisher: Experticity was looking for a definitive study on the value of retail sales employees who are trained experts on the products they sell. To get robust results we needed per-hour sales activities for each store, tied to information about the associates working at each location. We also needed information to normalize for factors like employee tenure, in-stock availability, and seasonality. My colleagues, Drs. Santiago Gallino, Serguei Netessine, and I provided a comprehensive outline of data we’d need. Experticity worked with their retail partners to gather the very large data set.
Duncan: What effect has online retailing had on brick and mortar retail strategies? (For example, a lot of people browse through books at Barnes & Noble, then buy the books from Amazon.)
Fisher: For a while now, online retail has been driving brick and mortar to focus on cutting costs and increasing selection. But brick and mortar trying to compete with online on low prices and selection is a recipe for failure. Brick and mortar can and must offer value that online can’t. This study points to the fact that knowledgeable employees can have a significant impact on improving conversion on the sales floor.
More than 90% of all retail commerce still happens in physical stores, and brick and mortar retailers are spending a lot on their staff, With the endless choices for consumers today, across a dizzying number of SKUs, retailers need to understand that consumers want and seek out expert guidance for their buying decisions.
Duncan: In your research report you talk about the importance of a sales associate “engaging with the brand.” What exactly does that mean?

Fisher: We saw that if an associate started training on a specific brand, that group sold 87% more of that brand than their peers. It’s clear that interactive training, delivered in the right way, makes sales associates more productive and provides insights into the people who are most influential in the retail environment.
Duncan: What does your research suggest consumers can do to make themselves more effective in their shopping and buying behaviors?
Fisher: The data confirms what we all know instinctively – that interacting with a knowledgeable, helpful expert creates a better buying experience. We spend a little more and buy more confidently when someone has helped us find the right products to meet our needs. There are many product categories where consumers crave this level of interaction and have every right to demand that level of service from retailers.
Duncan: Why aren’t more people focused on this?
Fisher: Through this and other studies, it’s clear that successful retailers need to focus on having more knowledgeable associates if they expect to compete in today’s omni-channel world. Labor is one of the largest expenses for retailers, and a potentially meaningful differentiator for them. More retailers need to treat employee engagement and knowledge as a focus for management, and realize it can be a legitimate data-driven investment to improve the top and bottom line.
Duncan: You’ve worked for organizations as disparate as the Boston Consulting Group, Ancestry.comand Ticketmaster.com. What did those previous experiences teach you about retailing?
Tom Stockham: When the right circumstances come together, industries get transformed. As an associate at BCG in the ‘80s I was immersed in the shift to “big box” retail. As president of Ticketmaster.com in the ‘90s we pioneered online buying and electronic ticketing. As CEO of Ancestry.com in the early 2000s we built one of the first and largest online content subscriptions. Retail commerce is ripe for its next transformation.
Ask anyone: “Do more knowledgeable, experienced, passionate people create better buying experiences?”  The inevitable answer: “Of course!”  Yet for three decades retail’s focus on low prices and broad selection has added up to less help for consumers.
The right people with the right knowledge and experience make retail commerce better for everyone – better for brands and retailers, and better for consumers. It’s time to transform retail commerce by tapping into these “everyday experts”.
Duncan: How does Experticity’s platform make sales associates more productive?”
Stockham: Our company goal is to build more knowledge and first-hand product experience among helpful everyday experts.  For example, our 3Point5 platform helps retail sales associates have better conversations about the brands they sell, sometimes focusing them on detailed product knowledge, and sometimes helping them with scenario-based alternatives. We use gamification elements like interactive quizzes, expert points, and leader boards to increase engagement and knowledge retention.
It’s critical to tap into the motivations and rewards that drive these individuals to become more helpful. We show people how they rank against our entire network. If you earn certifications to place you among the top 5% of all experts in biking, we show you that status. There needs to be a place where peoples’ expertise can be visible, and it’s important to reward those who are really better at driving sales and brand perception.  We think our network is a key part of the next-generation solution for retail.
Duncan: What is Experticity’s long-term goal with all this?
Stockham: To transform commerce by giving consumers access to knowledgeable, helpful, everyday experts whose advice and guidance create better buying experiences.
Rodger Dean Duncan is the bestselling author of CHANGE-friendly LEADERSHIP: How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance. Follow him on Twitter @DoctorDuncan

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