
Suddenly Bloomingdale's Chairman Mike Gould Is Gone

By Walter Loeb, Contributor

On January 4, my email box had a notification of Bloomingdale’s events in January 2014. It included Skincare and Makeup dates. It also noted that the Chinese New Year will be celebrated storewide from January 30 to February 2. It did not note, however, the most important event happening at Bloomingdale’s on January 31– the retirement of Mike Gould, the dynamic and much admired chairman, after 23 year of service. He is now 70 years young.
Mike Gould joined Bloomingdale’s as its Chairman following his role as executive vice president and chief merchant merchant at Robinson’s, and President of Giorgio. He was appointed Chairman and CEO of Bloomingdale’s in 1991 succeeding Marvin Traub. Now, this brilliant merchant will retire. He leaves a great number of innovations that define every department of every Bloomingdale’s store.
Leading the list is the 59th Street emporium considered one of the most exciting fashion destinations anywhere in the world. The emphasis on innovation can be seen on every floor. Whether it is the fashion and cosmetic department on the main floor, that has over 88 different brands in an environment that spells glamour; to ladies and men’s fashion presentations that reflect lifestyle and excitement; to intimate apparel that is innovative in its customer care; everything is presented with thoughtful attention. Michael Gould’s imprint can be felt throughout the organization–his attention to detail is breathtaking.
One of Mike’s strengths was experimenting with new ideas including new a new store format in SOHO New York.  When the 82,000 square foot SOHO unit opened in 2004 it was a daring to present an edited version of Bloomingdale’s assortment to a younger customer. The store has become the prototype for the new Glendale, California store that opened in November 2013 and has about the same selling space as the SOHO store. Buyers and merchandise managers were forced to take a hard look at the full assortment and decide what will sell successfully in a smaller store to a specific target audience.
I asked Mike Gould recently what he viewed as his major contribution to the store’s growth over the years. He was thoughtful for a moment, but then said that his empowerment of associates and executives is his proudest achievement. He picked the book Mandela’s Way by Richard Stengel as a basis for in-store meetings and discussions. The book describes the trials and self-development of Nelson Mandela and his philosophy. It has become a guide to all associates in the company. It focuses on self-development and personal growth. Customer service decisions are now made at the lowest level, since sales associates are confident that their decisions will be supported by management. The culture of empowerment will be a testimonial to Mike Gould for a long time to come since I believe that the teachings of Nelson Mandela are now well understood by each and every Bloomingdale’s employee.
Michael Gould was born in Boston – his Bostonian accent is still there. He went to Columbia University where he received his BA (1966) and MBA (1968). He began his retail career at Abraham & Straus in Brooklyn before leaving in 1978 for the West Coast and Robinson’s in Los Angeles.  Mike Gould is a shy person. He does not want much of a fanfare or many farewell parties as he leaves the store. I believe that he will be missed by many. His successor is Tony Spring (53), a Bloomingdale’s lifer. He grew up in the company and rose to be President in 2008. He is now responsible for stores, marketing, creative services, finance, operating and restaurants.
Associates, designers, and vendors alike will miss Mike’s presence in the store. His many events, his commitment to charitable causes and his philanthropic work are all testimony to a man who quietly contributed to every part of his company’s growth. Bloomingdale’s today is store that has appeal to all ages – from young sophisticates to older matrons. The stores are new, the merchandise is fresh and the brands are exciting. Bloomsdale’s is a store for all ages.
Mike Gould will be missed by all of us.

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