
Retailers Must Hope That E-Commerce Spike Saved The Holiday Season

By Paula Rosenblum, Contributor

Photo by William J. Grimes This is a picture o...
We still have some time before the final tally on Holiday 2013 comes in, but the numbers we have so far tell an interesting tale.  The heavily promotional Black Friday weekend coupled with agonizing weather patterns apparently depressed brick and mortar sales, while the allure of free shipping drove last minute on-line shopping through the roof. That spike was so large that carriers UPS and Fedex FDX +0.84% were actually overwhelmed.  Ecommerce sales and traffic numbers that we have so far are quite telling.
First, let’s take a look at land-based traffic at stores and malls.  In the week before Christmas, which culminates in what’s now called “Super Saturday,”ShopperTrak reports sales and traffic both decreased.  For the week, it reports an in-store sales decrease of 3.1 percent from last year. Traffic decreased by a stunning 21.2 percent. For Super Saturday itself, ShopperTrak reported a decrease in sales of .7 percent compared to 2012, with traffic down by 18.2 percent.  Note that the products tracked were general merchandise, apparel, furniture and other merchandise.
Most of the lost traffic is attributed to bad weather across the U.S.  While it would be easy to call this “retailers’ most famous excuse,” the theory is validated by the on-line sales numbers, which are nothing less than mind-boggling.
According to Custora’s e-commerce Pulse, total holiday ecommerce orders are estimated up 13% over 2012.  Those are increases we’ve grown accustomed to.  What we haven’t grown accustomed to is the whopping 54% increase in “last minute rush” orders over the prior year.  In fact, it goes a long way to explain UPS’s and FedEx’s failure to deliver.  I don’t think anyone expected to see increases of that magnitude.  Not even in their dreams.
Conversion rates online increased as well.  That means shoppers went online with the determination to buy vs. browse.  Overall, average online order value was flat for the season, and we can see the impact of hyper-promotional activity in the 5% decrease in average order size for those “last-minute rush” orders.  More people were shopping, but they spent less over the last week.
Online sales continue their shift from traditional desktop computers to mobile devices.  Orders made from desktops fell 8 percent to 71 percent of total eCommerce orders, while tablet-based sales grew 3 percent to 11 percent of total and phone-based sales grew by 6 percent to 18 percent of total orders.  In the mobile space, Apple AAPL -0.37% continues to dominate with an 82% share of mobile eCommerce revenue, although it lost 4% of total sales to Android devices.
If you’re a consumer, you’re wondering what this all means for you.  Quite simply, expect to see some big in-store markdowns in the coming few weeks.  Stores like Macy’s, Old Navy, Target TGT +1.26% and Walmart will be offering serious discounts to get products moving off the shelves.  Markdown optimization technologies are used to determine the best price to sell the product sooner and retailers will do what they have to do to put the season to bed.
As a retail observer, I remain convinced that Black Friday weekend push wasn’t the best thing for the industry.  It created an artificial spike that was followed by an artificial trough.  While that might’ve worked out well enough, the weather conspired to reduce the last-minute push and tamp down the expected second spike in stores.  It probably didn’t help FedEx or UPS either, who had to deal with weather and crazy-high package counts.
As we retail analysts have said before, we won’t know the final tally until February.  Shoppers are likely out and about in many areas around the country, using their gift cards to get the best possible deals.  The next two weeks may well change total holiday sales numbers substantially.  One thing is pretty clear though.  When the sun is shining people still go out shopping. In bad weather, or faced with other difficult conditions, consumers let their fingers do the walking.  The whole retail ecosystem will spend the next year figuring out the most economical way to fill online orders and get them to buyers even more quickly. The trend is growing clearer.  Faced with the choice of wet weather, heavy traffic and cluttered environments, shoppers will go online instead.

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