
In China, Rates Soar, Stocks Fall, Businesses Fail

By Gordon G. Chang, Contributor

An SVG map of China with Shanxi province highl...On Friday, fears of another quarter-end credit crunch drove money-market rates in China sharply higher despite emergency central bank intervention announced Thursday.  In the last five business days, interbank rates have doubled.  The seven-day repurchase rate hit 9.9%, a level not seen since June, when it reached a record 10.77%.  The one-year rate swap last week exceeded an all-time high.
The People’s Bank of China , the central bank, refrained from its regular open-market operations last week. Instead, it added liquidity through the larger commercial banking institutions, to the tune of 200 billion yuan according to Netease NTES +1.76% but maybe more.  Banks in recent days have been scrambling to meet quarter-end regulatory requirements, such as loan-to-deposit and reserve requirement ratios.
Analysts say the central bank is trying to tighten credit to discourage dangerous lending practices and at the same time avoid a crisis like the one in June, when banks defaulted and the interbank market froze.  Then, the People’s Bank, to avoid a failure of the Chinese economy, massively—and secretly—intervened beginning June 21.  There would have been a short-term increase in rates at the end of the third quarter but for a flood of liquidity from the central bank.
The June and December quarter-end spikes are unmistakable symptoms of the exhaustion of China’s credit-fueled growth model. 
 The equity markets certainly do not like what they see, with liquidity concerns weighing heavily on sentiment.  Stocks continued their losing streak on Friday, with the Shanghai Composite dropping 2.0%, the ninth-straight day in the red.  Bank stocks were especially hard hit, even outside the Mainland.  China Everbright Bank , for instance, fell 2.8% on its debut on the Hong Kong exchange on Friday, despite being priced below book.  Analysts blamed general bad debt concerns for marring the first day of Everbright’s trading.
The Everbright offering, unfortunately for the bank, occurred in the wake of wide publicity of the November 29 bankruptcy filing of Liansheng Resources Group.  The failure of this coal miner, the biggest private company in inland Shanxi province, is even thought to threaten the Chinese banking system.
 Why?  It is not because Liansheng went down with debt of almost 30 billion yuan or because its creditor list included some of the best Chinese banks. Liansheng, some think, could sink China’s shadow banking network, which could in turn expose the fragility of the state banks and trigger runs by depositors on those institutions.
Today, even minor problems can become big ones overnight, and Liansheng’s difficulties illustrate how this can happen.  Jilin Trust issued a wealth management product with no assets other than loans to this coal miner.  The loans, the only assets of this WMP, are backed solely by third-party guarantees, not collateral.  The product was marketed by China Construction Bank , the country’s second-largest lender by assets, to its customers, and it was popular.  There should be no surprise as to its wide acceptance: the investment offered a 9.8% return, far in excess of deposit rates at state banks.
The Liulin County People’s Court, managing Liansheng’s bankruptcy, hasindicated that investors will be the last in line for payment.  If they suffer losses from the failure of Liansheng, Quartz’s Gwynn Guilford believes they will flee WMPs.  If, on the other hand, Construction Bank is forced to make investors whole, it will have to take the WMPs it marketed onto its balance sheet and will surely exit the business along with other banks.  The purpose of these products was to permit these institutions to profit from unsound lending practices without having to make financial statement disclosures.  If depositors, not protected by deposit insurance, understand how fragile the banks truly are, they would undoubtedly panic and begin withdrawing funds quickly.
Beijing’s statistics hide the extent of the problem.  As Anne Stevenson-Yang of J Capital Research in Beijing points out, the prudential standards of Chinese banks are “deceptively low” because they have pushed “apparent risk into a cascading series of shadow institutions in order to realize rate arbitrage.” What looks like a 20% reserve requirement ratio is really 15%, she notes, and what looks like a 75% loan-to-deposit ratio is around 90%.
Even without adding in shadow banking exposure, China’s banks are undoubtedly balance-sheet insolvent if their assets were classified according to international standards.  Yet these institutions have always remained liquid.  Now, as we have seen at the end of this quarter and the second one, they are beginning to run out of cash.
Most analysts don’t worry.  By and large, they believe the recent shortages of liquidity are the result of central bank efforts to tighten, so in their view the problems are short-term and “manufactured.”  Take the Financial Times for instance.  “Looking at interbank borrowing rates, while durations of one month and less have shot up, those from three months to one year have remained much flatter,” writes Simon Rabinovitch today.  “This is an indication that the cash crunch is more an end-of-year scramble for money than a fundamental breakdown of the Chinese financial system.”
There are two main problems with optimistic views.  First, the argument—it’s really no more than that—ignores why the central bank needs to rein in the money supply in the first place.  Chinese technocrats need to tighten because of systemic flaws, especially runaway debt creation.  Last year, China’s risk-laden shadow banking sector grew 42% according to one estimate, and credit overall may have soared by almost a third.  If credit grew by only 20%—a conservative estimate one hears—then debt is increasing more than twice as fast as officially stated gross domestic product.  My sense, based on guesses as to the extent of back-channel lending and more realistic GDP figures, is that credit is growing about seven times faster than the economy.  In any event, Beijing has no choice but to rein in credit.  
And reining in credit will inevitably create more Lianshengs.  Once they can no longer borrow, broken businesses will default across the country.  “If China is insolvent, why haven’t there been any big defaults yet?” asks Quartz’s Guilford.  “Here’s why: China’s shadow lending system keeps credit pumping to insolvent companies, so no one can tell that they’re bankrupt.”
Second, given a runaway situation, the central bank is eventually bound to cause a disaster with its remedial measures.  Not only pessimists think this. “We believe the PBOC is faced with some serious challenges with rapid unfolding of bottom-up interest rate liberalization and is confused on whether to target volume or rates of liquidity,” writes the normally optimistic Lu Ting from Bank of America Merrill Lynch.  “With its limited predictability of flows and its insensitivity to market reactions, the PBOC finds it much more likely than before to make operation mistakes.” 
The problem is even worse than the oft-quoted analyst thinks.  Lu assumes that the central bank has a way forward.  Yet it is much more likely that there is none.  Chinese technocrats continually talk about “reform” and the need to accept lower growth rates, but they always flinch, falling back on state stimulus and rampant credit creation when growth rates falter.  They do that, I suspect, because they know restructuring would cause the economy to fail. 
If Beijing could implement reform, it would have done so by now.  Instead, we have seen quarter-end interest rate spikes, one more sign the inevitable reckoning will occur in 2014.

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