
Here's What The Store Of The Future Will Look Like (Hint: Not Amazon)

Few would dispute Amazon’s status as the titan of the e-commerce world, selling more online than its next 12 competitors combined. But given the ubiquity of Jeff Bezos and his bookstore-killer, it’s easy to lose perspective.
Amazon made $61 billion in sales worldwide last year — just 13% of what Walmart cleared, and $10 billion less than Target TGT -0.26%. For all Amazon’s web dominance, e-commerce still accounted for only 6% of total U.S. retail sales in 2012, according to the Department of Commerce.
Retail consultancy WD Partners has published a report showing how traditional stores can still appeal to modern shoppers by updating their brick and mortar models rather than trying to chase Amazon online.
“The key to finding the edge isn’t copying what Amazon does,” said WD Partners’ Lee Peterson. “It’s doing what Amazon can’t.”
WD Partners surveyed 1,700 consumers across the demographic spectrum, screening respondents on their desires and behaviors both online and in-store. Peterson was surprised to discover that shoppers still value immediacy above all else, with 79% listing “instant ownership” as the most appealing attribute of any retailer, online or off. “In other words, Amazon still can’t compete with, ‘I can just get in my car and go get it now,’” said Peterson. “Stores are still winning.”
After the ability to buy a product immediately, “touch and feel”, or sensory perceptions of a store, ranked as the second most appealing attribute (75%), with “exclusive products and bargains” coming in third (65%).
However, when the data was sliced across age groups, it became apparent that online retailers have a huge edge with Millennials, who ranked “unlimited options” and “customer reviews” as their top two shopping ideals. “Instant ownership” came third.
Peterson explained that Millennials have grown up in the era of the impersonal big box store, with suburbs and strip malls dominated by Toys R Us, Best Buy and Target rather than Main Street shops or quirky one-offs.
“In the study, Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers were kind of rooting for the stores,” said Peterson. “It’s nostalgic. It’s emotional. Whereas shopping online is clinical. It’s, ‘I logged on, I found my Under Armour top, I pressed a button and got it 4 days later.’ The younger respondents got, the less physical experience mattered.”
Peterson and his team at the Columbus, Ohio-based consultancy parsed their findings to predict how brick and mortar stores will be forced to adapt in the near future:
- With Millennials wanting “unlimited options” at their disposal, stores have an imperative to integrate the digital with the physical. This means creating the illusion of an endless aisle. Peterson expects this will manifest itself in “armed, wired associates,” not unlike Apple store employees and able to offer up information at the touch of a tablet screen. “Shoppers should be able to say, ‘show me some reviews on this couch,’” Peterson said, noting Millennials’ preference for online write-ups. He stressed that in-store technology must be truly complementary, not just “gadgetry for gadgetry’s sake.”
- In focus groups of those surveyed, Millennials, Boomers and Gen-Xers alike expressed a desire for a more satisfying social and emotional experience inside stores. “Store employees are a tremendous asset,” said Peterson. “Look at the industry’s top-performing retailers, like Apple, Nordstrom, Sephora, and Whole Foods. They hire people who like people.” Devoted associates on the sales floor create margin whatever the business model, he said. He believes we’ll see more stores offering enviable salaries, benefits and training to improve the sort of personal service currently missing at big-box retailers. Added Peterson: “The more you are like a warehouse, the more Amazon is going to crush you.”
- Store environments themselves will change as brick and mortar storesintegrate online characteristics. “Expect to see a place to pick up the stuff you bought online,” Peterson said, noting that Amazon pioneered the retail locker concept now taking off elsewhere. He believes retailers will be forced to add “super-comfortable” lounge-like seating for these areas. As well as lounges, Peterson predicts we’ll see more food and drink kiosks creeping into retail right behind the already-popular in-store coffee shop.
See below for mock-ups of future stores based on WD Partners’ findings:

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