
Bernanke Fed Has No Clue How To Taper QE Without Tanking The Market: FOMC Minutes

Agustino Fontevecchia

Forbes Staff

Agustino Fontevecchia

The Federal Reserve released the minutes for their October FOMC meeting, in which they decided to keep QE going at full force.  The minutes reveal intense discussion about how to taper the asset purchase program without spooking the market, an outcome they experienced through the summer after Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated tapering could occur before the end of the year.
2013 Policy Talks @ the Ford School: A convers...
Ben Bernanke’s term is ending in early 2014, yet his QE program’s future is uncertain – Photo credit: University of Michigan’s Ford School
FOMC members even discussed the possibility of introducing other forms of accommodations to offset less QE, and possibly adopting a “calendar based step-down.”  Still, with financial conditions having “eased notably” and the labor market continuing to very gradually improve, the Fed could still be on track to taper.  Janet Yellen’s role as potential successor to Ben Bernanke wasn’t mentioned.
It’s still all about quantitative easing at the Fed.  The minutes for the October 29 and 30 FOMC meeting revealed the nation’s top economic policymakers are still scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to cut back on the monetary easing without causing a dramatic tightening of financial conditions.  The decision not to taper in September led to “declines in longer-term interest rates and increased equity values,” as investors “moved out the date at which they expected to see the Committee first increase the federal funds rate target.”
Bernanke & Co. are still trying to figure out how to truly dissociate tapering from hiking rates.  Market movements indicate investors can’t separate the two when it comes to deciding to allocate capital:
One possible explanation for this view was an inference on the part of investors that a change in asset purchases reflected a change in the Committee’s outlook for the economy, which would be associated with adjustments in both the purchase program and the expected path of policy rates; another was a perspective that a change in asset purchases would be read as providing information about the willingness of the Committee to pursue its economic objectives with both tools.
This poses a major policy challenge, as the Fed looks to wind-down QE in order to avoid massive asset bubbles, yet keep interest rates at record lows in order to support what has been a tepid economic recovery.  The Fed’s ultra low rates have supported vehicle sales, as Ford and General Motors GM -0.84%can attest, and the housing market, with homebuilders like KB Home and Toll Brothers TOL -0.69% seeing their shares go through the roof.  Yet, continued QE has the potential to lead to “distortions in credit allocation,” the Fed said.
The FOMC noted the outlook hadn’t changed from the September meeting, and this means tapering is in the cards relatively soon.  “[FOMC participants] generally expected that the data would prove consistent with the Committee’s outlook for ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and would thus warrant trimming the pace of purchases in coming months.”
With the market seemingly addicted to the Fed’s monetary stimulus, it remains a major challenge to figure out how to taper.  FOMC member noted that if they are cutting back on the monetary cool aid due to fears over financial stability, or asset bubbles, “it would need to communicate effectively about those other criteria,” as opposed to about labor market improvements.
They looked at several potential mechanisms for communicating the taper effectively.  Using a “simple mechanical room” tied to the unemployment rate, a timetable or total size of remaining purchases, a calendar-based step-down, and different distributions of cutting down from the Treasury and residential mortgage-backed security side.  At the end, they chose to give themselves a little more time to see how the economy plays itself out going forward.

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