
A High-Profile Lawyer Who Represents Trump Tower Investors Has Gone Missing


Javad Heydary Full
A high-profile Canadian lawyer has possibly left the country following allegations that more than $3 million of his client's money has disappeared, The Toronto Star reports
Javad Heydary — who's representing investors in the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Toronto — has been incommunicado since Nov. 15, according to The Star. At that time, he told colleagues that he was going back to Iran to take care of an ailing relative.
The Financial Post reports that The Law Society of Canada has taken control of his clients' files, records, and trust accounts, alleging that he left Canada while the $3 million was missing from the firm's trust account.
Heydary is representing investors in a high-profile lawsuit over the "Trump Toronto," Canada's tallest residential building, according to the Financial Post. Investors who bought units in Trump Toronto claim they're losing tons of money on their investments because of low occupancy rates.
The $3 million that's allegedly missing isn't related to the Trump suit, though. The money belongs to an entrepreneur named Hasan Abuzour, according to the Toronto Star. Abuzour hired Heydary to help him dissolve a printing business partnership. As part of the deal, Abuzour was to receive $3.6 million through a trust account controlled by Heydary.
Now, The Star reports, Abuzour is "virtually penniless." Nobody really knows if Heydary is really in Iran. One source told The Star that his wife told his law partners that he's dead.
We emailed Heydary to give him a chance to comment and received an "away" message suggesting he should have been back in his office on Nov. 26. We will update this post if we hear back from him.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/javad-heydary-reportedly-left-canada-2013-11#ixzz2m8JhGIPf

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