
Best Buy Is Finally Fixing Its Awful Website

best buy showrooming
Best Buy is finally fixing its decade-old website.
The outdated site has kept the retailer from competing with Wal-Mart or Amazon, reports Chris Burritt at Bloomberg News
Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly is improving the website by implementing the "My Best Buy" rewards program and aggressively recruiting executives with experience in e-commerce, Burritt reports
The retailer is also adding product reviews and buying guides to the site and enabling recommendations for other items the customer might want to buy. 
"The efforts may already be helping, with Best Buy’s online traffic rising 9.9% in August from a year earlier," Burritt writes
Here's what the old site looked like: 
Here's the new site. Note the product reviews, additional photos, and special offers: 
Joly has managed to pull off a turnaround at Best Buy since he took over about a year ago. 
He successfully implemented a price-matching program that effectively killed the practice of "showrooming." He also cracked down on stores, cutting the retailer's annual expenses by $340 million. 
Best Buy's shares have tripled this year. 

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/best-buy-is-fixing-its-outdated-website-2013-10#ixzz2gaKt9ROK

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