
This Incredible App Could Change How You Read Books Forever

oyster_iphone_bookOyster is a new app launched last week, that wants to for books what Spotify did for music and Netflix for film and TV. For a monthly fee of $9.95, you can access over 100,000 titles from various publishers, and share what you're reading with friends. 
The goal of Oyster is to make reading a social activity, according to the app's website.
From anywhere a mobile device can go—a bustling subway car, a quiet coffee shop, or lost at sea with a Bengal tiger—our mission is to build the best reading experience, one that is both communal and personal, anytime, anywhere.
Oyster is currently rolling out on on invitation only basis (you can sign up for the waiting list here) but here's a look at what to expect when you get your access code.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/oyster-netflix-for-books-iphone-app-2013-9?op=1#ixzz2ezGPU7TR

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